It’s that deep-seeded societal gender norm that women, for some reason, aren’t elite athletes, when we are. We really are. I think we fight against that a bit. Help us to share this great article. Your friends will appreciate it! 0share Facebook0 Twitter0 Pinterest0 LinkedIn0 Flipboard Tumblr0 Mix
I think we have to keep putting women’s sports in the limelight. I thought the Women’s World Cup did a wonderful job of showing the quality of women’s soccer. But we also need coverage and marketing and press and getting these female athletes to become household names. Help us to share this great article. Your friends will appreciate it! 0share Facebook0 Twitter0 Pinterest0 LinkedIn0 Flipboard Tumblr0 Mix
Really, off days for soccer players are just recovery days. You’re trying to get off your feet as much as possible. Help us to share this great article. Your friends will appreciate it! 0share Facebook0 Twitter0 Pinterest0 LinkedIn0 Flipboard Tumblr0 Mix