Fear Quotes

Charles de Foucauld, the found of the Little Brothers of Jesus, wrote a single sentence that’s ahad a profound impact on my life. He said, “The one thing we owe absolutely to God is never to be afraid of anything.” Never to be afraid of anything, even death, which, after all, is but that final breakthrough into the open, waiting, outstretched arms of Abba.

When I was in that danger…I felt like I was shaken awake…after everything she made me feel…I made a decision and went to sleep. Do you know what that’s like – trying to go to sleep, and lose yourself in the hopes of burying the worst fears in your life?…I wasn’t in love with the past. I was terrified of my own future.

When you go down a dark alley and you feel that tingling across the back of your neck, that’s not just a bad feeling, that’s a biological gift from God – the Gift of Fear…when you ignore that gift – when you go down the dark alley and say, Y’know, I’m sure it’ll be okay – that’s when you find real pain.